HopCroft Neighbourhood Plan - Final Submission Version

Date: September 2018  |  Document Link (5 MB)

Basic Conditions Report

Date: September 2018  |  Document Link (5 MB)

Consultation Statement

Date: September 2018  |  Source: HopCroft Forum  |  Document Link (5 MB)

Sustainability Appraisal - Impact Assessment Report

Date: March 2018  |  Source: AECOM - Technical Support  |  Document Link (5 MB)

Sustainability Appraisal - Scoping Report

Date: October 2017  |  Source: AECOM - Technical Support  |  Document Link (5 MB)

SA1 Whitbread Road Consultation

Date: July 2017  |  Source: Community Engagement Consultants  |  Document Link (5 MB)

Updated Plan - June 2017

Date: July 2017  |  Source: HopCroft Forum & Changing Cities  |  Document Link (5 MB)

Following on from the Draft Plan consultation, we have updated the Neighbourhood Plan. A revised version can be found following the link here, along with a tracked change version to help you see where the changes have been made. Accompanying the updated Plan, is a draft Consultation Statement, which lists the outcomes of past engagement events as well as details the comments made on the Draft Plan (by both statutory consultees and residents) and how these have been addressed. A summary of the key changes can be found by following the link here. Please visit the online survey to tell us if you are happy with all the key changes. To comment further on Policy BE3, please see the below document outlining the proposed new 'Areas of Special Local Character' and then visit the Stickyworld Portal to give us your feedback.

Areas of Special Local Character

Date: March 2018  |  Source: Local Residents  |  Document Link (8mb)

This constitutes the final document outlining the Areas of Special Local Character, as agreed by the HopCroft Steering Group.

Heritage and Character Assessment

Date: June 2017  |  Source: AECOM (via technical support)  |  Link to Draft

Here is the draft report. We are awaiting delivery of final report, which will be uploaded soon.

Date: January 2017  |  Source: HopCroft Forum & Changing Cities

A summary presentation of the neighbourhood plan, presented at the November 2016 and January 2017 consultation events.

SEA Screening

Date: October 2016  |  Source: London Borough of Lewisham  |

London Borough of Lewisham undertook an assessment to determine whether:

  1. A full Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is required in accordance with European Directive 2001/42/EC and the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (2004). This is called a screening assessment. The need for Strategic Environmental Assessments is set out in the EU Directive 2001/42/EC (commonly referred to as the SEA Directive) and transposed into English Law by the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (commonly referred to as the SEA Regulations). Under the Directive, Neighbourhood Development Plans may require SEA but this will depend on the content of each Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
  2. A full Habitat Regulations Assessment is required in accordance with Article 6(3) and (4) of the European Communities (1992) Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (known as the ‘Habitats Directive’). The Habitats Directive established a Europe-wide network of sites known as Natura 2000, which provides for the protection of sites that are of exceptional importance for rare, endangered or vulnerable natural habitats and species within the European Union. The Habitats Directive was implemented in the UK through the Conservation (Natural
    Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 with all further amendments subsequently consolidated within the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010).

The outcome of the screenings can be read in the reports: Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report  and Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Report

HopCroft DRAFT Neighbourhood Plan - Issued For Consultation

Date: October 2016  |  Source: HopCroft Forum & Changing Cities / Urban Silence

The Draft neighbourhood plan launched on 15th October 2016. The draft neighbourhood plan consists of a number of documents:

Please note. All documents are currently in draft form, and constitute the proposed content for our final Neighbourhood Plan. We've based the content of this draft plan on the evidence gathered and what you have told us at past engagement events summarised here. If you think there are still gaps, or room for improvement, please let us know.

Feedback Questionnaire on Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Please download and complete the neighbourhood plan feedback survey form. Please email completed forms to hopcroftforum@gmail.com

HopCroft Forum Governance Arrangements

Date: November 2018  |  Source: HopCroft Forum

The Governance Arrangements further elaborates on the Forum's procedures for decision making. It outlines the roles and responsibilities, role appointments and criteria to ensure open and transparent decisions and approvals are reached.

Evidence Base - Background Context | Location - History - Policy

Date: October 2015  |  Source: HopCroft Forum

This report outlines the background context of the neighbourhood area to help inform the vision and strategy of the neighbourhood plan.

Evidence Base - Environment |  Air Quality - Noise Pollution - Green Infrastructure - Energy Consumption - Flood Risk

Date: September 2015  |  Source: HopCroft Forum

This report outlines the environmental context of the neighbourhood area to help inform the vision and strategy of the neighbourhood plan.

Evidence Base - People |  Demographics - Socio-Economic - Health and Wellbeing - Education - Access to Services - Deprivation

Date: September 2015  |  Source: HopCroft Forum

This report outlines the socio-economic analysis of the neighbourhood.

List of Identified Assets of Community Value - PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION

Date: July 2015  |  Source: HopCroft Forum

This report lists all the assets of community value currently known the the forum. There may be others out there, so please do let us know where they are.

Proposal for Conservation Area in parts of Honor Oak

Date: 2013  |  Source: HopCroft Forum

This report details a short study investigating the potential of certain streets in the Honor Oak Park area to be preserved for their architectural merit.

Area Profile Report

Date: June 2015  |  Source: Planning Aid Technical Support

This report was compiled by Planning Aid volunteers on behalf of the Forum, as part of the technical support consultancy awarded to the Forum in 2014 round of funding. It shows key statistics pertinent to the area.

NOMIS Labour Market Area Profile

Date: August 2015  |  Source: nomisweb.co.uk

This report was compiled by Planning Aid volunteers on behalf of the Forum, as part of the technical support consultancy awarded to the Forum in 2014 round of funding. It shows key statistics pertinent to the area.

Draft Vision Workshop Outputs

Date: July 2015  |  Source: Planning Aid Technical Support

This report summarises the outcomes of the vision workshop that took place on the 6th June 2015. It was compiled by Planning Aid, who assisted the Forum as part of the Technical Support consultancy offered to the Forum.

Site Assessment Report

Date: August 2015 |  Source: AECOM Technical Support

This report was compiled by AECOM as part of the technical support 2015 round, offered to the Forum. It explores and assesses a number of potential sites for future development opportunity in the area.

Collective Response to the Brockley Corridor Streetscape Proposals

Date: June 2015  |  Source: HopCroft Forum

This report summarises the Forum's response to the Lewisham's consultation on the Brockley Corridor streetscape proposals.

Key Issues Survey

Date: March 2015  |  Source: HopCroft Forum

This report summarises the initial online survey that was carried out to identify the key issues and priorities in the area.