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CHRISTMAS BLOG 2023 This is the favourite blog I do during the year as I’ve got to admit I unashamedly LOVE Christmas, particularly  the run up to the big day and everything that entails. For me it’s such a special/magical … Read More


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AUTUMN NEWS 2023 It is nearly 6 months since I last wrote a blog so thought I should write another as a lot has happened, this is the time the schools go back, Autumn events kick in and do I … Read More


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SPRING NEWS 2023 Woohoo-this is my first blog post of 2023 and I’ve got to say only a week ago I feared that not only that I wouldn’t be writing a blog again but that all the blogs on here … Read More


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CHRISTMAS BLOG 2022 This is my favourite blog post I do during the year as I’ve got to admit I unashamedly LOVE Christmas, particularly the run up to the big day and everything that entails. For me it’s such a … Read More


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AUTUMN NEWS FOR SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER  Hi there-hope everyone has had a great summer-we certainly had the weather, if at times rather hot! I haven’t written a blog post for the past 3 months so will include in my introduction a brief … Read More


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SUMMER NEWS FOR JUNE/JULY This will be my last blog for a while as I plan on taking a summer writing break-hoping to be back in September & as I’ve indicated before besides my now shortened blog posts I also … Read More

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