Local residents who are keen on seeing their neighbourhood improve, have gotten together to form the Crofton Park and Honor Oak Park Neighbourhood Forum (HopCroft Forum). The Forum is working towards developing a Local Neighbourhood Plan for the designated neighbourhood area.

Anyone who lives or works within the designated neighbourhood plan area can become a Full Member. A Full Member can contribute to developing the Neighbourhood Plan and can vote at Forum AGM. Anyone who lives just outside the area, but has an interest in the area or who regularly visits and cares for the place can become an Associate Member. An Associate Member can contribute to the development of the plan, but cannot vote.

Membership is voluntary and as a member you can devote as much time as is possible. There are no formal obligations other than to help spread the word, contribute in any way possible to making a positive difference to the area, and working towards the ethos and principles of the Forum’s constitution. Membership will be inclusive and reflective of the diverse community of the neighbourhood.

To become a member of the Forum please complete the following information. The information you provide is used to validate your membership and managed in accordance with the GDP Regulations and our Privacy Policy.


    Your Name *

    Are you *

    Please note: If you live and work within the designated Neighbourhood Area you are eligible for full membership. If you live and work within the vicinity and are potentially impacted by the area or have a strong interest in the area, you are eligible for associate membership.

    Select Membership type *

    Applying as Full MemberApplying as Associate Member

    Address (this should be your work or residential address within the designated area)

    Postcode *

    Telephone number

    Email *

    Twitter Handle:

    Other Affiliations:
    (please let us know if you are a member of other local groups)

    Do you have any specialist skills that you could contribute to the Neighbourhood Forum? (design, planning, event organisation, policy writing, etc, administrative)

    How much time would you be able to commit to Neighbourhood Planning?
    (please specify in hours per week or days per month)

    I am interested in addressing the following Neighbourhood Issues: (please tick all that are appropriate) *

    Business OpportunitiesHousingPlanning ApplicationsRoad Safety (incl. traffic speed and cycling)Environmental and Open SpaceSustainabilityPublic Transport and AccessCommunity Facilities & HeritageUrban DesignFly TippingCommunity EventsAnti-Social BehaviourOther (please specify)



    Age Group

    Do you consider yourself to have a disability?


    I have read and agree to abide by the Forum’s constitution *